About every month I will show a pic of an anime character. Like below.... I will also have a hint beneath
that. So click on the link below to tell me who u think it is. But when u tell me, u MUST put your e mail address with it,
or u will not know if u got it right or wrong. And i will send u an award, If u r right . Then u can post it on
your site, If u have 1. And if u dont get a e mail back... U probibly got it wrong. Also each month i should be
makeing a new award. 1 more thing... when it click the link. it will ask u for your e mail, then subject. Under subject
put "QUIZ", and in the text box put the character's name. Also it would help me out if u can put the name of the
Thank-you for reading this
Sessho Girl